الأربعاء، 27 يونيو 2018



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Data processing in computer science,is the analysis and oganisation of data by the repeated use of one or more computer programs.
Data processing is used  extensively in business use data processing for such tasks as payroll preparation accounting ,record keeping ,inventory control,sales analysis and the processing of bank and credit card account statement.
Engineer and scientists use data  processing  for a wide variety of application ,including the  processing  of seismic data for oil and mineral exploration theanalysis of new product design, the processing  of satelliteimagery,and the analysis of data from scientific experiment
Data processing is divided into two kind of processing : database processing and trasection processing.
A data is a collection of common record that can be seached accesed,and modified,such as bank account record, school transcripts  and income tax data.
In data processing, acomputerized database is used as the central source of reference data for the computetion.
Transection processing  refers intraction between two computer  in which one computer initiates a transectoin and another computer provides the first with the data or computation  required for the fucntion.
Most modern data processing uses one or more databases as one or more central site.
Transaction processing is used to access and update the databases when users need to immediately  view or add information ; other data processing programs are used at regular intervals to provide summary reports of activity and database status.
Examples of systems that involve all of these functions are automated teller machines, credit sales terminals, and airline reservation systems.

The data-processing cycle represents the chain of processing events in most data-processing applications.
It consists of data recording, transmission,reporting, storage, and retrieval.
The original data is first recorded in a form readable by a computer.
This can be accomplished in several ways: by manually entering information into some form of computer memory using a keyboard .
By using a sensor to transfer data onto a magnetic tape or floppy disk , by filling in ovals on a computer -readable paper form, or by swiping a credit card through a reader.
The data are then transmitted to a computer that performs the data-processing functions.
This step may involve physically moving the recorded data to the computer or transiting it electronically over telephone lines or the internet.
See information storage and retrieval.
Once the data reach the computer , the computer processes it.
The operations the computer performs can include accessing and updating a data-based and creating or modifying statistical information.
After processing the data, the computer reports summary results to the program's operator.
As the computer processes the data, it stores both the modifications and the original data.
This storage can be both in the original data-entry form and in carefully controlled computer data forms such as magnetic tape.
Data are often stored in more than one place for both legal and practical reasons.
Computer systems can malfunction and lose all stored data, and the original data may be needed to recreate the database as it existed before the crash.
The final step in the data-processing cycle is the retrieval of stored information at a later time.
This usually done to access records contained in a databases, to apply new data-processing function to the data, or -in the event that of some part of the data has been lost - to recreate portion of the database .
Example of the data retrieval in the data-processing cycle include the analysis  of store sales receipts  to reveal new costumer spending  patterns and the application of new processing techniques seismic data to locate oil or mineral field that were previously overlooked.
Information technology is the processing  and distribution of data using computer hardware and software, telecommunication and digital electronics.
Our lifestyle has undergone a sea change with the advancement in technology especially in the field of computers.
Computer is an integral part of our lifestyles today and  is found  at offices, homes, schools, colleges, hotels, shops, etc.
This advance in technology has made our lives easy and comfortable.
For instance, we can execute a number of activities using computer based systems:we can write a draft on word processor and email it, make calculations using an electronic spreadsheet and incorporate graphics, create a database of friends with their phone numbers, addresses and e-mails ids etc.
It`s difficult process to perform these activities using existing traditional methods.
Computer can also simplify other tasks such as word processing, designing , web site development, database management etc.
The fore, a computer can be refereed to us "data processor".
Latin actually means 'finger' and 'calculus' means 'pebbles' (stones) for computing purpose.
In fact, the word 'digits' in the growth of civilization, the computing needs also grew.
The need for a mechanism to perform lengthy calculations led to the invention of the first calculation and then the computers.
The term 'computer'  is derives from the word 'computer' which means to calculate.
A computer is an electronic machine that can accept data processing it and give out result/information and store  it (if needed).
In other words a computer is an electronic machine that performs mathematical and non mathematical operation with help of instructions to process the data to achieve desired result.
Charles Babbage is called "grand father" of the computer.
The first machine  computer designer by charles Babbage was called Analytical Engine.
It uses read-only memory in the form of punch cards.
Data is defined as a command or fact that has no meaning or meaningless.
Or data  can be define as the raw fact of to be processed by the computer.
Information  is define as the collection of numerous or many  data which give meaning  therefore the process of combining data in  an appreciated  form to generate information  is DATA PROCESSING.

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