الأحد، 12 أغسطس 2018

غير معرف

Ku Tura A Social Media

·         Computeris an advanced  electronic device that takes raw data as input from the user  and processes these data under the control of set of instructions (called program) and give the result (output) and save output for the futureuse.
·         Computer can be define as an electronic davice that accept ,process,store,and output  data or infomation
·         PROGRAM:-  Is a set of infomation  that tell the computer  on how ti manupulate or  process data.
ii.       ABACUS:- This was the first mechanical calculating  device  for counting of large number it is  used for arithmatic calculate.
iii.      In 1617 john nipier build a machine for the purpose of multiplication.
iv.     In 16th  century edmund gunter  developed a slide rule use for addition,subtraction,multiplication and division.
v.       In 1642 blaise pascal developed adding and subtraction machine in other to help his father tax collector.
vi.     In 1823 an english man charles babbage  built with a vacuum tube which  is very large and know as  the first computer  generation  he was aworded  as the FATHER OF COMPUTER.
GENERATION                                                                                                                         COMPONENT USED
1.       First generation (1946-1954)                                                                                        Vacuum tubes
2.       second generation (1955-1965)                                                                                            Transistor
3.       third generation (1965-1975)                                                                      Intergrated circuits (IC)
4.       Fourth generation (1980-till today)                                Ultra scale intergrade circuits (ULSI)
                                                                                                                               micro processor (SILICON CHIP)

Computer are classification according to the storage capacity ,speed and purpose for which they are developed these can be  classfied into three type:
1.       Analog computer
2.       Digital computer
3.       Hybrid computer

1.       Analog computer: they operate by "measuring" instead of "counting" They are special machine that measure physical quantities used for controlling maching and processes that are react directly to change in physic situation    Example:thermometer,car speedometer,voltmeter,petrol dispenser.
2.       Digital computer: these computer operate by "counting" all quantities are expressed as discrete digit or numbers thare are useful for evaluting  arithmetic expression and manupulation of data they  are  faster and more fiexible than analog computer  but not be accurate.
Hybrid:these computer have a combine features  of analog and digital computer  they are  special purpose computer and hence  uncommon Example is programming a modern day television set which involves both analog and digital precedure, chanell selection is digital while processing the channel for clear reception is analog and formally saving the channale for future use is also  a digital  computer can be broadly classified by their speed and computing power.
1.       High Speed: computer has the ability to perform rountine tasks at a greater speed than human beings, they can perform millions of calculation in seconds.The computers process data at an extremely fast rate, i.e.
Millions or billions of instructions per second.
In few seconds, a computer can perform a huge task that a normal human being may take days or even years to complete.
The speed of a computer is measured in megahertz(MHZ), it`s one million instructions per second.
2.    Accurary: computer is used  to perform task in a way that  ensure  accursy  depend on the instruction and type  

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