الخميس، 18 أكتوبر 2018

How to appeal for disabled adsense Account

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Ku Tura A Social Media

Please do not use this form if your account has never been an active AdSense account. If your account has never been approved and you would like to review a complete list of requirements for a successful AdSense application, please read our Program Policies in detail.

first step.

white your Name, email, pub id and url.

next step.

Have you ever purchased traffic to your site(s), mobile app(s), and/or YouTube channel(s)? *

-click NO.

just copy and paste.

How do users get to your site, mobile app, and/or YouTube channel? How do you promote your content?

Users reaches to my content via Google search engine include Google, bing or youtube channel and others features, some traffic reaches via social also include facebook and twitter Have you or your site, mobile app, and/or YouTube channel ever violated the AdSense program policies or Terms & Conditions? If so, how? Also, include any relevant information that you believe may have resulted in invalid activity. *- I have not any invalid activity before this. These Violations Also due to my mistakes, And happened unknowingly or due to negligence. I don't me unknowingly What changes will you implement to help improve ad traffic quality on your site, mobile app, and/or YouTube channel? *- From my point of view the main reason for my revoked might be "The my competitor might have done some invalid activities or there might be some people who don't have proper knowledge on how to use the site. This might be reason of my account deactivation.

-First of all, I really apologize for any invalid activity and condemn like these activities and also for these mistakes which happened by unknowingly and my negligence. Further now, I assure to adsense to be genuine AdSense partner. I started using AdSense partnership about a months ago and tried my best to do and valid activities. If my AdSense is restarted i will do everything according to AdSense policies and try to get away from any invalid activity which violate any term and condition.

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