الأربعاء، 5 ديسمبر 2018

How To Make A YouTube Intro On Android Device

Home How To Make A YouTube Intro On Android Device

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Ku Tura A Social Media

What Is Intro?

Intro is an english word, derived from Introduction, and in that case, when we say intro, we mean that a short animation photo, or video that are attached in the first of any video, in order for the film industry to show their company logo. Even YouTubers used intro to show their channel logo, that attracts the minds of people or viewer.


Follow the below steps.

Download Legend.


Download, and install Legend, on your Android device.

Since, we have installed, the application named as Legend. The next thing, we are going to do, is to make a new intro. To do that, just open the application, and delete the entire text, that you can see there, then type your new intro's text that would be shown on the introduction. To delete the entire text that you saw there, just tap that pencil like icon, in your Android's Keyboard.

After we have deleted, the entire text that we saw there. Next thing is to type our intro's name, let me make an example, with my Nickname that is Man Nakies, type it, and then tap the play logo, that locates at the center of the screen.

Re-tap on the play logo, that is in the center of the screen.

Now, swipe your screen, from right side to left side, in order to choose your favourite intro's style. Once you chose the style you needed, to download or save it, just tap on the arrow icon, which shows download, is located below the intro.

It will be prompted, with the two types of saving, the first is to save as GIF, that is animation photo, while the second is to save as Video that is short video, as shorter as 5seconds. Just tap the save as Video.

Wait, it will be started, downloading, while it is downloading, just wait it to complete and finish the download process.

Your intro's downloading has now finished, and completed.


This application is used to create a new animation intro, for free on Android device, but there're few that need to be paid, before you can be used.

To get the intros, always go to your SdCard(memory card), and scroll down to the folder named as Legend, you can get your intros in this folder.

So that is it!!! I hope this article helped you. If so please share it to your friend to inform them about our website that always brings tutorials and helps to solve your problem on the internet and in your mobile phone. Thanks For Visiting. See you next time.

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