Blog, is a place, where you can post always, in order, to tell your visitor something, or teach them. It is used to post news updates, that visitors can read up, and drop their feedback.
Follow the tutorial entire.
Blogger account.
Download Blogger application.
Download, and install the Blogger application, from the given link above, or you can download it at Playstore. Then
open it, and login by putting your Gmail ID, and password. And wait it, while it is preparing your account. You should login with the same details you putted, while sigining up, or creating the blogger.
Once, it finishes the preparation of your account. It will show, the list of the blogs, that you had posted before. Now, to post new blog, you need to click on pencil like icon.
It will take you to the add new post page. In that page, there are fields, that you should fill with your blog post details, like Title, Post content, and Label, just fill them.
Now, we have added, the Title, and Post content, in order make a sample blog post. You can post anything you want, but don't copy from other blog, and paste into your blog, it's illegal and it was prohibited.
You can use, these icons, to make styles, to the blog post.
To add thumbnail, to the post, click on camera like icon. Thumbnail is the picture, that shows always on the top of any blog post, that gives little information on the post.
It will pop up with Attach image, and gives two options, by which, you can upload the thumbnail. These are: Take photo, means, you can use camera, to take new photo, and then attach it, to the post. And, the other is, Pick a photo, means. you can upload only those photos, that are already exist on your Gallery. Just, upload it, through the way you want to upload.
After, you uploaded, the thumbnail to the post. Next thing, is to publish the post. Publishing the post means, we have finished all the process of post, what remains, just to post it to our blog.
To publish the blog post, you need to click on that arrow icon, that's located at the top menu, beside sdcard icon, and wait, while it is sending the post.
Your blog post is publishing. Just wait it to publish the blog post.
Now, the blog post has successfully published, then blogger will notify you.
Our new blog post, has been published. You can visit the blog to see, what you posted now. You can use, this method to make a new post to your blogger, because it is the simplest way, to publish new post to blogger.
This application is a lighter, and it has less than 4MB size, it works on any Android device. You can download it for free from Playstore. You can drop your comment(s) to ask something or make correct to us. Please share this post to your friends, and tell them about this blog. Thanks For Visiting. See you next time.
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