What is health insurance?
Health insurance is a contract between you and your health
insurer to cover your medical expenses. Your health insurance
company helps pay for some or all of your medical care,
depending on the type of insurance plan you have. Talk with
your diabetes care team to find out what parts of your care are
covered by your plan.
The goals of this booklet are to:
Explain the basics of health insurance and how
it works
Point out some things to look for in a health
insurance plan
Suggest what things to consider and what questions
to ask when choosing a health insurance plan
Inform you about programs that are available to
help eligible people pay for prescription medicines
Provide resources to help you learn more about
health insurance
You will find a list of terms at the back of this booklet. If you
come across words that you’re not sure about, check the list
for definitions.
What services might
health insurance cover?
Depending on your plan, health insurance might cover:
Visits to a health care provider’s office or clinic
Preventive care, such as checkups, screening tests,
and vaccines
Hospital outpatient care
X-rays and imaging tests
Hospital stays (depending on whether the hospital
is in network)
Laboratory tests
Prescription medicines (level of coverage will depend on
whether the medicine is on the list of approved medicines)
Mental and behavioral health treatment
Diabetes supplies, such as test strips, lancets, and
blood sugar monitors
Medical equipment, such as wheelchairs
Emergency and urgent care services
Substance abuse treatment
Physical therapy and rehabilitation services
Maternity care
Home health care
Infertility treatment
Hospice care
Care in a skilled
nursing facility
Chiropractic care
Wellness programs
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