Wednesday, 2 January 2019

Download Material v3 Lollipop Custom Rom for Gionee p6 by elmechanic

Home Download Material v3 Lollipop Custom Rom for Gionee p6 by elmechanic


Ku Tura A Social Media
Hey Guys Welcome to shafinhaisa blog Here Is And
Another Suitable lollipop 5.0.1 Custom rom for gionee
p6 users we have tested it and everything is working,
and this rom specially ported from Walton
primo by BASHAR, And so far so good I can attest to
it as bein bugless, smooth multitasking, good battery
backup etc...

We all know that the Gionee P6 ain't as
popular as it's contemporary there by the
availability of it custom rom is quite rare..
Therefore necessity is the mother of invention that we
had to do this...


*Navigate to your recovery mode any of the recovery
method for those who knows how to flash custom
rom before..

*format data and wipe cache of the previous stock
rom [ please do a cwm recovery backup before
formatting or attempting to flash the Gionee p6]....

*wait for a while as the phone starts up after the
flashing [ this may take some minutes so don't fret if
the boot logo is there for a while]....

*voila flashing done and u can now
a new cool experience on your gionee pioneer p6

Go ahead and flash and let us know how it goes and
if u experience any bug or issues we can try to fix and
make it better..


BASHAR DT [ported from material
v3 Rom for Walton primo GH2]

source: naijawarload

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