Asalamu Alaikun my brothers and sisters in Islam. We will be speaking about how important to share beneficial knowledge.
The Prophet Muhammad may peace be upon him said: "The best amongs you is the one who learn the Qur'an and teach it to others" The point we want to raise here is If you have knowledge, teach it to others no matter what, they will be no any benefit of keeping that knowledge with you because you will die with it and nobody will benefit from it
So my brothers, my sisters, share the little knowledge you have so that others may benefit from you even if you are to spend a little bit of what you have. In other narration of the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W said: "whoever create ease for mankind, Allah will create ease for him in the day of judgement".
May Allah Subhanawo watallah let us share the little knowledge we have and guide us to the straight part. Ameen.
Abdullahi zakari Aliyu mantafien.
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Wednesday, 21 November 2018
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